Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Como Zoo!

Last weekend we met my sister from another mister Andrea, Brianna and Evan to go to the Como Zoo in St. Paul. We always have a blast when we are together, and this day was no exception. Even though we go to the Zoo alot, its still like the first time every time you go. There is always something new. Monkeys, Bears, Zebras...Oh, my! :) Then on top of that you have amusement rides. What child would NOT love that?! :)
We sat and looked at the Monkeys and Gorillas for awhile. They are always fun to watch. Plus, they had a baby and she was having a blast entertaining the crowds.

Avery was perfectly content to watch us have fun. Thank goodness. Such a good and happy baby!

Andrea and Brianna watching too.

I wont even begin to tell you what this Gorilla was doing. It was SO disgusting, but of course the boys couldn't look away!

Evan is just the right age to really love watching all the animals and what they do. Isn't he adorable?

This is what Jack Jack looks like after having a red icee! :)

Sam and Brianna learning about the Polar Bears, and then in front of the Zebras.

Then we went and had some fun on some rides. Bri couldn't wait to get on this one....

while the boys wish they could! LOL.

Happy Sam and Jack.

Bowling with the Fam...again. :)

As everyone should know by now, we love to bowl as a family. It is just so much fun, and the boys LOVE it. When you have food, music, a ball, and a lane to throw it down, who wouldn't have fun?! Recently we went to Brunswick Bowl here in Blaine and proceeded to have a blast. Even Avery got into the fun, and was crawling all over the place by the end of the night. I think she charmed everyone there. :) (BTW, I think something happened to my camera, all the pictures I have been taking lately have been fuzzy.)

Exhausted after bowling 3 games!