Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where, Oh Where, Have the Limuti's gone?!

Just wanted to drop a quick note to everyone and say we are still here! Computer dying makes me run for the hills and far, far away from it. Hopefully soon, we will have a solution and me posting away again.

We are done with baseball, and just enjoying the summer. We started back at work again July 5, and we are getting in the swing of that. Sam starts school Sept.6, and Jack starts about a week later. Hard to believe its that time again, as we are having to gear up and get school supplies and new clothes (and new sizes!) already. Avery is growing like a weed. She is 17pds, 14ozs, and 27.5 inches long as of yesterday. She is in the 40%, as she is a breastfed baby, he says she is "perfectly proportioned" and is very happy where she is. She is working on 5! teeth, but you would never know! :) She also had her finger pricked yesterday to check hemoglobin, and I held her thinking she was going to scream her little head off. Nuh-uh. The nurse did it, and Avery just looked at her like, Hey! What the heck? Didn't even faze her. She just wanted to band aid off! :) We have a tough girl on our hands! (I think she has to be with 2 big brothers!)
We are heading to North Liberty in about a week to see our handsome little new nephew and cousin Anderson Douglas. I cannot WAIT! I am so excited to see him. This will be our vacation for the year, so its nice to look forward too.
I will leave you with a few pics. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of your summer!