Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Testing Video

So, I finally figured out my camera has the capability of recording. At first, I thought that it only recorded for a limited amount of time, so I never did anything with it. Well, lo and behold it does record for a good amount! Anyway, here is Jack Jack hugging his bear, but I have to warn you that it is VERY dark, (I thought it was light enough, lesson learned! You wont see anything until about 50 seconds in.) and my voice is very loud so adjust your speakers. This is only a test, so next time will be much better!

Birthday party

Saturday we went to a birthday party thrown by my friend Chelsi, for her 2 boys Joey, who will turn 6, and Logan who is 3. There were some activities, and this was one of them. I didn't get a lot of pictures, so just these 3. This activity was them being archaeologists, digging for treasure, so they chipped away at the sand and found lots of dinosaurs. Hence, the hats and the glasses.

Sam was a little frustrated at it, but he kept digging. Then, we had pizza and cake and ice cream. Lots of fun was had!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The most beautiful girl in the world.

I have been a terrible aunt again! I have not updated on Parker. She is doing so well! Rhyan was afraid that she would not take well to going to daycare, but I am happy to report that she is doing just fine! Here are some pictures that I got recently. Isnt she the most adorable girl EVER?! In some pictures she looks just like her daddy, and then in the next she is definitely all Rhyan. So, a good combo of the 2. This is my opinion of course! It seems like she is getting bigger every day, just the other day I got a pic on my cell phone, and she was even bigger! So, here we go...

We love you Princess Parker!

Minnesota Zoo

Well, today we went to the Minnesota Zoo. Too bad I cant prove it because this terrible forgetful mother forgot that usually when I DO need the camera, the batteries go dead. Yep. The batteries went dead as soon as I went to take the first picture. So, you will just have to take my word for it that we actually went! :0)
We walked through the ENTIRE zoo. It says its about 3 miles, but it really does feel like 100. But, that's OK, the look on the kids faces when we saw some of the animals, it makes it all worth it. We started with some birds and some turtles, flamingos and some monkeys. Then, we saw some fish. I believe that this was Jack's favorite, he got the most excited when we got to that. He starts talking and pointing and smiling and cant take his eyes off of them. We got to play on the playground for awhile, the kids loved that, there a lot of kids there! Then, we saw the farm area where there are goats and sheep. The come right up to you and you can pet them, and both of the boys got a little scared but they eventually reached out to pet them, and thought it was neat! We saw the chickens and the eggs, and we actually saw that an egg had hatched and the chick was getting used to his surroundings. Sam really liked that. We saw Camels and Buffalo and the Tigers. One of the best parts I thought, were the leopards. They are really breathtaking up close. Jack actually cried when we left those, he really liked the "big kitty". Then, the best in Sam's opinion is when we got to the bears. At first we just watched them play for awhile, and then you go down a little underground, and they have this heated pool that they swim in. This one bear put on quite the show for the kids, and he swam and pushed and preened for everyone. Both kids got a kick out of that. We finally got to see the MONKEYS! We sat there for a good 10-15 minutes and watched them jump around and play. One little one kept running up the tree and taking a flying leap into their wade pool. That was really entertaining. Then, we saw the sharks and dolphins! The boys loved seeing them underwater like that. I know there are a million more animals that we saw, but those are the highlights. We finally got some food and then some ice cream, and home we went. The boys loved the outing! They were really good kids today, and it was fun to go too. We will definitely be going back real soon. We might even go and get a family pass for the whole year. Definitely worth it. It was also a great way to spend our anniversary weekend. 5 years ago the 20th, Joe and I were married. Has it ONLY been 5 years?? Wow. :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Samuel's first day of school!

Yay! The first day of school finally arrived. Since we have gone through this before, he acted like he was an old hat at it, but he really was very excited. He got a new batman backpack this year, him and his best bud Hayden got the same ones. Joe was home, so we all were outside really early waiting on the bus. We even had people walking by, telling Sam good luck on the first day of school! It was cute.

Look at me, ma!
Jack was so jealous! He wanted a backpack too.
Oh, he is so handsome. Where has the time gone?!?
Jack just wanted to be in the pictures too!
Mom and Sam.

Daddy and boys.

Jack was so cute, after we were done taking pictures here, he went back over and sat down. He looks at me, like hey! take my picture! Smiling the whole time.

Mom, I am going to ride my bike to school instead!

Waiting on the bus.

So, the bus finally came. Sam immediately got real quiet, and didn't talk. He just got on the bus and stared at us the whole time, looking like he was going to cry, but he was so brave! It helped that we had Tom again as the bus driver, he drove Sam home last year. Our little boy is getting so big, and handsome!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Art by Samuel

So, Sam's favorite thing to do is get into my purse and take out my camera and start taking pictures. I should have thought to do this before, but I will make this a usual thing to do to publish some photos courtesy of Samuel. Here are the latest....

I love how Eli got into it.
I could NOT believe that sam took this picture!
Hayden having jello.
Most pictures are from this view, of Sam on top of the counter after he has taken the camera from my purse. (which sits on top of the refrigerator, to keep him out!)
Jack playing with Dad's watch.

Orientation day

Today was orientation day at Sam's school. Mama and Daddy got to go with him so he could see his classroom, look at all the different activities that he will be able to do, and meet all his new teachers. He has 3 teachers. Mrs. Christensen, Mrs. Klein, and Mrs. Taylor. Also, his speech teacher, Mrs. Hartmann. He was a little shy at first, but he got over that real quick! We started out taking some pictures at home first...
Look at me!
Sam was smiling for the picture, and Jack got in there at the last second. Isn't it cute?
He was so excited!
He got new shoes yesterday and was demonstrating that he can run faster!
Here he is in the classroom. He can name all the colors.

Hi everybody! I am a big kid now!

I will have more pictures Wednesday, which is his official first day of school.

Day in the park

Yesterday, we went to Battle Creek Park to celebrate Saturn of St. Paul's Summit Award. It was a great time, with us bringing our own picnic, and winning some great prizes! It was the first colder day of the year. I cannot believe it is already Fall! Wow. We just went swimming last week! Here are some great pictures from Cami of course! Here is a rare picture! Sam hugging Jack! I love it!
Best buddies Sam and Hayden. Sam is so silly, and Hayden usually laughs at silly Sam!
Sam bugging Jack as usual.
Jack thinking, "you are taking my picture again, lady?!"
Sam climbing the rock wall. The bigguns can climb the rock wall, but can you imagine Eli (just turned 2) he also climbed it!
Love the tongue.
Happy Jack Jack.
"Hello, NANA??"
Sam found another baseball! Sam has a knack for finding them in parks. Sam has been hitting the baseball in the backyard with daddy lately, and he is REALLY good! He keeps his eye on the ball, and really hits it! Yay!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Yearly pictures

Well, every year I get pictures done of the kids right after their birthdays. I will be one of those mothers that have every single year of their lives up at their graduation party! Sam's 4Th birthday was in June, so I got Sam's pictures done, and I also at this point get one of Sam and Jack together. Here are some of the faves.
I think I got more poses than what I usually do, because they were so good this year! Last year, there were slim pickings, so this year I was very happy! Let me know what you think!