Thursday, February 26, 2009


As we sit here in a blizzard, I thought I would update with some random pictures from the last week or so. Some weeks I take a hundred pictures, and then the next 2 weeks, I wont even take it out. So, here we go...Yesterday we went to the mall with the Enke's and we took a few here and there..
Of course we hit the kids play area, get out that energy! Now if only Jack would play like this at the Y in the child care play area, we would NOT have a problem. *sigh*.The reason we went to the mall was to get Boy the III. I managed to talk Sam out of getting one too! LOL. Hayden got a blue one this time!Here is Eli in the bus. How fun is that?Best Friends forever.All the kids playing in the arcade. See how busy we are??

Then, of course they had to ride the merry go round. Who builds them with only 3 animals to ride?!? Shouldnt they have 4?? The last few days, everytime I turn my back, Jack is there climbing on top of the counter to eat whatever he can get his little hands on! I usually come to the wicked grin and the WHAT look from him, as seen here.Then of course Sam wanted to tell everyone that he has 2 Jeff Gordon cars. Here he is showing them off!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

School Readiness Pictures!

Samuel had his school picture taken last week, and we got them back today! Can you see him toward the middle? At first he told me that he couldnt tell me what everyones name was, and then he proceeded to tell me every single person's name! LOL. What a great looking class! They all smiled at the same time!
Then, they got to do a silly one. Im actually surprised Sam did the silly face! I love it.
This is such a piece of history. I get all giddy and mushy inside thinking I will be looking at this 20 years from now! *sigh*.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Children's Museum Day!

Today is Presidents day, so Sam had the day off from school. Our bestest friends, the Enke's of course went with us to the Children's musuem in St. Paul. We had a fabulous time! Here are some great pictures. Word of note, I am a *horrible* photographer, so I am one of those that just points and shoots, and I hope to get a few good ones. Cami is the one that can point and wait for the right exact moment! So, some of these are hers! We started in the water works area...
Here is Sam, Jack, Hayden and Eli.
Then we rode on the Metro bus.... Brothers.
Jack and Sam were driving the bus together..
Then, Sam got the hat! Doesnt he look a real bus driver??
Then we hit the grocery store...
Jack really liked the store and the restraunt kitchen...
He just *Knew* that the faucet would turn on!
Here is Jack cooking dinner for mama!
Then we hit the different occupations area...Guess which one Sam went to first??
So, Sam is going to be a firefighter and Hayden is going to be a police officer! Or vice versa! We will see.
We cant forget Jack! He was trying hard to put those boots on!

Then the kids wanted to draw all over thier faces! What fun.
Sam did a little, but he didnt really want too. By this point he was a little tired and hungry!Jack loved it though! He had a great time drawing on himself!

Isnt this picture gorgeous? I love it! Hayden had the best time of all! What a great smile.

So, after lunch we went to the Clifford the Big Red Dog room, and the kids really liked playing on the dog!

I actually got a great smile! All the kids loved the big Clifford!Jack was playing hide and go seek!Then, we got all the kids to pose!Sam and Jack liked hanging out in this tunnel.

Then, it was time for Candyland! A candy store a few doors down. Wow! We got some goods! But, here are the little ones sharing a stroller..

How cute are they??This is Sam by the end of the day. He was cranky. He has not been feeling well for the last few days, so he wasnt 100%. Love the face! Hayden was all smiles though!

We got a membership today, so we will be going quite a few times I think in the coming year! A great time by all!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Today Sam went to the dentist for his semi-annual cleaning. He got a clean bill of health from Dr. Fong, and they are impressed with how clean his teeth are, and no cavities! So, we thought we would take a picture!

Look at those choppers! Jack of course had to get his picture. We went for his 2 year pictures today, and they turned out great!Look at those handsome boys!

Como Zoo day

This past Sunday we decided to go to the Como Zoo! Not a whole lot to do in the winter, and the zoo is always the way to go. Most of the animals are inside, but we still had a nice time. Didn't get too many great pics but here are some of the highlights.

Here is Sam and Daddy looking at the monkeys. The kids thought they were the best. Laughing at all the tricks they can do.So cute. Do you think they look alike?What a ham.Jack points at all the animals, he thinks they are the coolest! :0)

What a great day at the Zoo. We loved going there this past summer, and will love going there again!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Brennen Birthday Party!

Wednesday was Brennen Paul's birthday party! Brennen is 10 years old. I cant believe its been 10 years since he was born! It was just yesterday Andrea and I went to lunch and she was clutching the table every time she had a contraction. Or after he was born, he took one look at me, and he peed on me! (That is considered good luck you know!). It just goes to show you that time FLIES by. Appreciate every little minute of your kids. Here is to Brennen, the sweetest and the nicest 10 year old boy I know. We love you very much!
Brennen Paul! Isnt he handsome?
Here is mom (Andrea) and Brennen's sister, the beautiful Brianna!What a cute smile!Mom slaved away on a chocolate cake for the birthday boy.While we were there, Andrea had made frames for the boys for their respective birthdays. Sam got his 4 year. They are really great!And here is Jack's 2 year! He loved it! Thank you so much for these awesome gifts Andrea! We love you, too! :0)