Monday, January 18, 2010


For the first time EVER! the Limuti's went sledding. We had a fantastic time! There was a lot of laughing and fun, and the kids cannot wait to go again! There are a lot of pics, but I wanted to show everyone how much fun we had!
Preparing for the very first time down the hill....
Look at Jack's face! So fun.
and away they go...!
Up the hill to big smiles!
MOM! Can we go again?!
Can you tell I made them pose?
Sam was such a trooper. I didnt hear ONE complaint. He would have gone up and down that hill ALL day.
Here comes Jack Jack.
Lets go!
Let us go dad!
Sam carried the sled up the hill everytime. Jack tried to help though.
Hi mama!
Mom and Dad can have fun too. We both went down the hill also to hysterical laughter, but I wont show you the pics! :-)
Jack wants to go by himself. He LOVED it. So fearless.
So far down!
Joe had this sled when he was a kid! Sam loved using it.
After dad went down the hill too! All in all it was a great day. MN is having a heatwave, it was 30! So, it was even better.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Picture time for the Limuti boys

This Sunday we went and had our annual pictures taken for Jack Jack's 3rd birthday. We also had the boys do one together, since the last one was when Jack was 18 months old! (This is JC Penney pictures, so I am not including the ones from May). Jack was SO good. He listened and followed directions and best of all, he smiled! Sam's 3 year ones went very horrible, so I kind of expected the same thing. But, we were pleasantly surprised.
This is the one we ordered for 8x10.
This was a close second, but we got this one for 5x7.
Joe really liked this one, but I vetoed it. Its cute.
This is our 8x10. So Jack Jack.
And we also ordered this one and this one...

I also had her take a couple of Sam just in case we wanted to order some of him. We decided we would be done with JC Penney once we started school, and since he has a school pic now...Well, we decided we didn't care for any of them. This one was a contender, but we opted out.