Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Samuel!

Today is Samuel Edward Limuti's birthday! He is 5 years old today! We had a fabulous and fun birthday party yesterday (pics to come tomorrow) and today we went and did a lot of fun things. Sam is very happy and very tired! This picture was taken today. What a handsome and wonderful child. His dad and I love him with our whole hearts and we are truly blessed to have him in our lives. Happy Birthday, Sam. We love you.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Children's Museum

The Enke's and the Limuti's have passes to the Children's Museum and we try to go as much as we can. Here are the latest batch of pictures, taken about 2 weeks ago. They are backwards (blogger isn't letting me put pics in order anymore, so I get what I get). We have so much fun! and the kids have a great time too. :0)
After we are done with the museum, we hit CandyLand. This is the statue out front. Last time we went, Sam was not very cooperative, so this time he remembered and wanted to take another with a smile!
Sam LOVED playing mailman, and he went all over the room and delivered mail to all the "businesses".
Jack loved playing in the water. (as you can see from his shirt!)
This is Sam playing with the boats.
After face painting, this is the result! What a cute bunch of boys!
Jack Jack painting.
Sam. He looks so serious!
And of course the mama's.
Jack riding the bus!
Isn't this cute?!
On the way in to the museum, don't they look excited?

Father's Day 2009

I think this is one of the best pictures ever of Sam. I LOVE it.

They boys are back!
Cami and I took pictures last year in Saturn uniforms for fathers day, if you remember. Well, we decided to keep up the tradition and got shirts this year from Old Navy. They say Number one fans of Dad on Fathers day, 2009. Didn't they turn out gorgeous!?

Summer is finally here!

We finally got a day that it is 90 plus degrees here in MN! We immediately got the pool out and had a GREAT time swimming.

DIVE! :0)


So, Sam and Hayden are in soccer this summer. We have it every Wednesday for 6 weeks. We took some pictures the first night.
There are a lot of kids.
They do warm up exercises!

So cute!

We took this picture before we got uniforms.
So far, Sam is doing really, really well! He listens well, and he runs after the ball and kicks good. He is being aggressive which is good! Time will tell if he sticks with it.

The boys are back!

So, the boys have been listening to the High School Musical 3 soundtrack and there are 2 songs that they absolutely love. Cami and I got them on tape in the van, and at the Enke house dancing and singing. They usually sing a lot louder, but they got a little shy with the camera, but I think all the boys are going to be on American Idol 27, dont you?!

Family pictures

I know its been almost a month since I updated! Wow. Time flies. I will be better! Lets start with the pictures that were taken by the photographer at our get together over memorial day weekend. All in all, I think it was a success.
I wanted to get a picture of just us. I think its good.
Here are the Anderson girls. My mom and my two sisters, Raena and Rhyan.
Here is the Hoppe family. Brian, Rhyan and the beautiful, wonderful Parker.
Here is Nana with the grandkids.
Arent they cute?!
Isnt this the greatest? It was one that someone made them laugh. Which are the best pictures!
I bought this one. Just a great one of them.
We had pictures with all of the families. The photographer caught the boys sitting on the propane tank at grandmas.
Here is the Limuti family.
The is the whole entire Anderson family. Arent we a cute bunch?