Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Joe!

Happy Birthday to Joe, my wonderful husband and fabulous father to Sam and Jack. He is 39 years young today. May you have many more happy and healthy years ahead. We love you!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Vacation to Iowa

Well, we decided to make the trek home to Iowa after not being able to make it on the holidays. We spent 3 days there and had some fun times with all the grandparents. Here are some pictures...

Driving home in the dark made for some funny pictures, since the flash would make them close their eyes. We had a lot of giggles with this! :0)Jack finally got his eyes open a little! It was very funny.We made it to nana's and opened some gifts.Jack got a Wiggle movie, and he was in heaven!We went to Grandma's house, and both boys had a great time!Here is Sam with Nana.Here are the boys being silly.Mama and Sam trying to do self portraits, being even more silly!Jack Jack.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy -18 degrees Tuesday!

Happy REALLY cold Tuesday to you all. I dont think we are ever leaving the house again! Anyway, here are some random pictures that were taken the other day, thought I would share the silliness! Have a great week!

Samuel Edward.

Jack Maxwell.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Update at the Limuti House

Well, I thought I better update, since it hasn't been done since before the holidays. Things are OK here at the Limuti house. We have had some setbacks getting a new dryer, we went and bought one for a great price, but bought it home yesterday and it doesn't heat. A brand new dryer! But, lately it seems that this happens to us more often than not. I really hope we see some good luck in 2009, but looking at it, and what is ahead, I really doubt it, but we can hope and pray that it does happen.
The kids on the other hand are doing great. Sam is finally back at school, and he couldn't wait to get there! Its nice to have that routine again. He couldn't wait to tell us all about his day and what went on. He is getting a new student teacher next week, and he is pretty excited for something new! He loves going outside with daddy and shoveling snow, since here in MN we have had a LOT of snow lately. He loves feeling helpful, and wants to help us all the time. He had a great time on Christmas, he was amazed that Santa bought all these toys for him! He got lots of cars, and those are his fave. Especially, the fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances. He is very inquisitive, always wondering where we are going, what we are doing next, and what are we doing tomorrow?? The joys of being 4. He also loves playing with his BFF Hayden, always wondering when we are going to see him again!
Jack is also doing well! He is recovering from his smashed fingers ordeal. Its still not nice to look at, but is getting better. It still hurts him from time to time. We actually had to go on antibiotics for it for a week, just to be on the safe side. He doesn't let him get him down for long though. He is resilient. We have had some great progress with him sleeping in his own bed. Joe took down his crib from a crib to a half bed, and he REALLY liked that. I think because it gives him freedom like his big brother. We are on day 5 and last night was a little setback, but I think it was because his stomach hurt. I just wish he could talk! :0) He still loves the Wiggles, and always wants to watch them, but Disney has a new format on, and he is still getting used to that. They have Sam instead of Greg as the yellow wiggle now, you know! :0) He did get a Wiggle car and a guitar for christmas, and he couldnt be happier. He really loved opening presents! Loved watching his face with each new thing.
We didnt get home to Iowa for the holidays, with everything going on, so we are hoping to head there soon. Just trying to find a weekend!
The camera is busted (more bad luck!), and so I don't have many pictures. My friend Cami takes some though, so will post some soon.
We are getting most of our stuff back from the cleaners after the fire. That has been a long process, putting everything back where they took it from, but has to be done! :0)
Joe is doing well at Saturn, he is doing well for it being January, and hopefully more and more people come into the store to buy a car! (PSST! Do you need a car?!)
As for me, I am just being mom, and keeping this house from falling apart! Here is to a good and LUCKY 2009! We love you all, and hope to hear from you all soon.
Happy New Year!!