Friday, May 27, 2011

1st year of Preschool done..

Tuesday was Jack's last day of Preschool, and Thursday we had an end of the year picnic. We really had a great time playing with his buddies for the last time, and I had a nice time with the mom's. With us moving to Blaine soon, he will be going to a different school next year, so it was bittersweet.

I had to get a picture of his awesome t-shirt!

I asked Jack who his best buddy was at school, and he immediately says Cole M. (there were 2 Coles). So, we went and got a picture with him! So sweet.

Pretend game of baseball anyone?

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Sam just lost tooth #3! He lost his 2 bottom teeth almost a year ago. So, it was nice to see another one go. I believe a top one is loose now. Sam tends to just let it sit until his big tooth pushes it out. Me, I would keep playing with it until it was out! But, hes content. :) He just got sealant put on his molars to prevent decay. Wish we would have had that when we were kids! ($$ in dental bills later for me!)
Can you see?

Avery! (again) :-)

She grows and she grows. I know I have said it a million times, but time goes so quickly. Saturday she will be 7 months already! She is sitting in her bouncy chair and she can almost touch now! I also got the high chair out the other day, and she is loving sitting in that. When you are a mom, time just goes in the blink of an eye. I feel like Avery will be 18 before Joe and I know it, and we will be celebrating her graduation. It just goes to show you that cherish each day. Every single day.

What you looking at?! :) I am a big girl now!

Baptism of Avery Sophia

Recently, we went home to my fabulous church, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd to have Avery Sophia baptized. It was a wonderful service, and it went very smoothly. She is such a beautiful little girl.

Hello everyone! Look at my beautiful dress!

She slept through the entire thing. :)

Even when Father Richard poured the water on her head!

Nana and Avery.

Parker too!

This is the only picture I got of the boys together! I, once again, did not get one of all of us. Bad mama! That's what I have Cami for. :)

Godparents and Aunt Rhyan and Uncle Hoppe. What a great picture!

Grandpa! Another great picture. Avery knows when to work it, huh? (thats Aunt Raena in the back!)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Swimming in the pool...

So, Aunt Rhyan, Uncle Hoppe and Grandma got a room at the local motel and the kids enjoyed swimming at the indoor pool. Fun was had by all! The boys loved swimming with their daddy, and Avery loved it too! Even though the water was cold.
Grandma and Avery

It's cold guys!

LOVE the look on Avery's face at our beautiful niece. It's like she is saying, who the heck are you and what are you doing?! :) They are going to be best friends! and of course I had to show off the belly! Only about 6 weeks to go!

Parker is always so helpful! Love her and miss her so much.

See?! Who would not miss that beautiful smile?

Home to Grandma's

Recently, we headed home to Iowa to have Avery baptized. First day back, we headed to Grandma's house to see her and Milt. Grandma got some golf clubs for Sam for his upcoming birthday. Sam immediately tested them out, while Jack played on the ever present BigWheel. Didn't we all have one of those?!

Future NASCAR, baby!

Future PGA player?!

Doesn't this look like a senior picture? :)

Avery watched the action too!

What are you doing?!

I took 20 pictures, I kid you not, one day of Avery lying on the bed. I wanted to capture how happy she was, and of course she was naked. LOL. I stood over her, and she looked at me in every single picture with the same expression on her face. What the heck are you doing, mama?!?! :)

I had to laugh my butt off. And of course share with you.

Things I like to do with my sister...

Here are a random few pics that I come across on a daily basis that the boys love to do with their sister. The boys cannot get enough of her. They love her and want to do EVERYTHING with her. :) Sometimes I wish I had a camera attached to me so I could pick up all the instances everyday. But alas, I cannot. But, here are a few.
Jack LOVES Max and Ruby. He watches it almost everyday. So, he wanted me to put Avery in her seat so that she could watch too. They had a great time watching.

Sam picks up Avery everyday. I taught him to just in case he needed too, and he needs to do it safely. One hand behind back and one hand under the butt. She LOVES it. He jostles her around and runs into walls, but she has this HUGE smile on her face the whole time! In this picture, she loves the Twins of course.

One night, I came across Sam reading his book, and he was reading out loud to his sister. I just about cried. It was so sweet.

And then of course, I get into it too. We are enjoying Avery so much. Her personality is coming out everyday, and she is such a delight. She is a GREAT baby.

Easter Goodness..

Ok, we have lots of pics to share, so let's get started! Easter has come and gone, but we had a good time coloring and then looking for them come easter morn.

We didnt have any red this year, so we had all green, blue and yellow eggs! We had a good time coloring, and even Avery had fun watching her brothers.
Let the hunt begin for all those eggs!

Now, we have to line them up and count!

That was EXHAUSTING! Can we go back to bed?!