Tuesday, October 5, 2010

As promised!

As promised, here are some more pictures that Cami took of our family. I am just so amazed and so awed by what a photographer and a camera can capture, but these pics would not be half as good if we did have her have such a good eye on what looks good, and what doesn't. She is just amazing, and I know for many years to come, we are going to get some really amazing pictures from her.

So, as she said I have no idea what the spoon and cherry was, but I think it looks great. And of course, the boys running.
This looks like a big giant coffin to me. I love Jack's face here.
Aw. I love this picture.

You can just see how big the statue is!
Now, normally I wouldn't like this picture because all I see is a big belly, but the boys look SO good here. And it just goes to show you that a another little one is on the way.
The pose! He was so good at doing what cami wanted him to do!
Is is rock n roll, or peace?! :)
They really got into the whole jumping thing! Jack would fall straight down in his butt!
HA! Such a good boy.
Kissy! Kissy! Love Sam in this pic.
I love Joe and Sam in this picture, not Jack and I so much, but it's cute.
My Sam. He's so grown up!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Limuti 4+1

Hello Limuti Boys blog readers! This is a guest entry by me, Cami! I'm sure Regan has spoken of me on here as I am the honorary BFF, but whatever she says about me - you may want to question. There might be 2 sides of the story. Unless she's giving me praise and cheers -- then I say, PRAISE ON! :)

Anywho - enough about me! I wanted to share the photos that I took of the Limuti family yesterday at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. I'm not going to name any names, but there is someone in the family that had never seen the unofficial mascot of MN, the Cherry & Spoon sculpture. Not even in a photo! I was shocked. So, when I asked this person that will remain nameless -- there was some confusion as to which ice cream shop that was. Classic!

Needless to say, we found one another and had a blast running around the garden and getting some shots of the fam. My biggest goal was shooting that lovely belly that Mama is carrying around with her. It's a absolute beautiful thing to watch a woman be part of such a miraculous portion of this life. So, without further ado, please enjoy the photos below. (she has about 50 more to choose from, so there will be more for you to see later!)

Friday, October 1, 2010

OMG!! The rantings of a pregnant and hormonal mom.

Ok, I just had to name this post that because, seriously people. We have 9 weeks left. 9 WEEKS! I wait for a haircut longer than that! When you are pregnant with your first, you seriously cannot wait until you are holding that new baby in your arms. You feel like you have waited your whole life just to hold that baby, and become a parent. Your whole life is wrapped up in that one precious baby, as they go into toddler hood and beyond. My situation was a little different, with Samuel coming 11 weeks early, he was so impatient to come out and meet mama and daddy. We just rode the wave after having him, and here we are 6 years later. He is STILL impatient, and what a wonderful, fascinating son he is to Joe and I.
When I was pregnant with Jack, we were beyond thrilled, getting pregnant right when we had planned to after having our first, knowing that Samuel was getting a little brother. We prayed and prayed that Jack would stay inside mama the whole entire time, knowing how horrible and frustrating it is to have a baby so early and in the hospital for any length of time. Knowing that we would have another baby, we were so happy and looking forward to him. We pretty much had a picture perfect pregnancy with him, a little rocky delivery, but Jack was perfect. He still is, and again, we have a fascinating and FUNNY son. We could not love them anymore than what we do.
Now, here we are pregnant with our 3rd. You feel like you have been through everything before, things will be a piece of cake! We waited longer this time. Jack will be 2 weeks away from turning 4! Sam is 6. But, I have 2 terrific helpers who could not be more excited to have a little brother or sister. (Who are we kidding?!, this baby is so a boy. We only make boys.) If this is a girl, we will be completely shocked, but a very welcome shocked.
I have been mourning somewhat these last few weeks. As you all know, this is our last baby. I have LOVED being pregnant all 3 times. I have no morning sickness, I just have all the expected pregnancy related things, but I handle all of them. I LOVE feeling the baby move, bonding with the baby, knowing that I am growing a human being. Its such a wondrous and awesome feeling. And I am not going to feel this ever again. Ever. I am very, very sad. Don't get me wrong, I don't WANT another baby, I could NOT handle 4 children, but I still mourn the loss. I hope all you moms out there understand what I am saying. I love feeling my growing belly, the way he moves about everyday, talking to people about the belly, talking TO the belly and just all things related to the belly and the baby. I just want to relish these last 9 weeks. I am fortunate that Cami is a budding photographer, and she is going to be taking belly shots of this baby, which I have not done with the other 2. I look forward to that.
God has blessed Joe and I with 3 wonderful and terrific children. I thank Him every single day for that. I just wanted to take a few moments to work through my OMG moment. 9 WEEKS PEOPLE!!! And then we are done. Finished. No more. Nada. Wow. Amazing. Does this mean we are getting old?! No, I think this just means we are going to raise the 3 that we have and relish being parents of some wonderful kids. And try not to screw it up. HA! Yes, we STILL have 9 weeks of the belly growing bigger, and countless doctor appointments. But, we really cannot wait to meet this new addition to our family. The C-section is scheduled for December 4 at 10 AM. Wow. 9 WEEKS!
Thank you to all our friends and family for all your help and support through this. Where would we be without you?!