Thursday, December 18, 2008

Unlucky Jack Jack

If anyone knows Jack Jack, you know that he is pretty much very mild mannered, isnt really loud, does everything he is asked too, is a wonderful eater, isnt as loud as his brother, and is an all around good kid. So, its strange that in the last month, we have had to visit the doctor 2 times for injuries! As you saw in previous posts, he hit his head and had a huge bump between the eyes, causing 2 black eyes for awhile.
Tonite, we were in Kohl's picking up some stuff, and he was in the cart. Sam was either going to push him, or was going to back up or something, and the cart tipped over and Jack went down face first. He started screaming, and I was thinking he had hit his head, so I was holding him closely. I look down and I see blood everywhere. It was coming from his fingers! All I could see was fingernails hanging, so I ran to the car with a screaming kid, Sam is running behind me carrying my purse, and hes crying, and blood is flying everywhere. Luckily, urgent care is a block down, and we ran in there. One x-ray later, the tips of his fingers are crushed. He lost the fingernail on his second finger and the third finger, its hanging and its cut up pretty bad. What happened is that his fingers got caught between the bar and the floor. The doctor says that it will heal nicely and his fingernails will grow back. The poor kid. I feel so bad, he does NOT ask for these injuries! Here is a picture of it tonite, he doesnt know what to do with it. Poor Jack Jack.

Here he is eating supper. He is ok.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Jack Maxwell!

2 years ago today our beautiful baby boy Jack Maxwell Limuti was born. After pushing for an hour, (and him not wanting to come into the world that way!) a C-section was performed and at 11:45 AM my handsome boy, weighing 8 pds even and 20.5 inches long, was born. He has given us nothing but joy and pride since then. We cant imagine life without him. Happy Birthday, Jack Maxwell.

Samuel HAD to get in the picture, you know! :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fire at the Limuti house!

Well, there was a fire at our house last night. The boys and I were just sitting there hanging out downstairs when all of a sudden, there was a smell in the air. Figured out it was coming from the wash room, and I was met with the sight of flames leaping through the air. Got the boys out, called 911 and there was quite a production. Thankfully, there is no fire damage, but the house is infested with smoke damage. So, we are living in a hotel for the meantime. Will know more after meeting with the insurance guys, but thankfully we are all ok! Here are pictures of the machine that did us in!